If you are looking for the real Vietnam. The real Hoi An below some of the superficial tourist layers, then you probably can't go past Etienne Bossot to take you there. Etienne runs very popular photo tours throughout Vietnam and Indochina. As he puts it, he is living his dream; living in Vietnam and sharing his craft and love of photography with like-minded people.

His team and his travels extend far beyond Hoi An and Vietnam these days, as you can see here on his website https://www.picsofasia.com/ But if you would like to bring that camera you’ve been dying to use and be taken to some truly authentic and sweet locations for photos, this is where you come to book. Plus, you get to learn a thing or two along the way.
We would strongly suggest you look at the popular Sunrise or Sunset tours in Hoi An http://www.hoianphototour.com/, as these give you an opportunity to view Hoi An in those special hours of the day that provide the most amazing light, shadows and angles.
We can of course arrange this for you, as you may want to add this into a combination of experiences through hellohoianvietnam.
Please email us hellohoianvietnam@gmail.com for more details and a specially reduced price.
Photo credit: Etienne Bossot. Thank you.